Under the new American Taxpayer Relief Act (“ATRA”), taxpayers whose ordinary income is generally taxed at a rate below 25%, capital gains and dividends will permanently be subject to a 0% rate.  Taxpayers who are subject to a 25%-or-greater rate on ordinary income, but whose income levels fall below the $400,000/$450,000 thresholds, will continue to be subject to a 15% rate on capital gains and dividends.

Income Tax Rates



Married Joint

Head of Household

10% $0 to $8,950 $0 to $17,900 $0 to $12,750
15% $8,950 to $36,250 $17,900 to $72,500 $12,750 to $48,600
25% $36,250 to $87,850 $72,500 to $146,400 $48,600 to $125,450
28% $87,850 to $183,250 $146,400 to $223,050 $125,450 to $203,150
33% $183,250 to $398,350 $223,050 to $398,350 $203,150 to $398, 350
35% $398,350 and up $398,350 and up $398,350 and up


Capital Gains

Rate Single Married Joint Head of Household
0% Up to $36,250 Up to $72,500 Up to $48,600
15% $36,250 to $400,000 $72,500 to $450,000 $48,600 to $425,000
20% $400,000+1 $450, 000+1

1Plus an additional 3.8% investment income surtax for Health Care Reform Act funding, for a total effective rate of 23.8%.