Should I Write My Own Will?

Lincoln said “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.”  Unfortunately, this wisdom still applies to the law, legal documents, and writing your own Will, absent specific training in the law. Even attorneys, who don’t focus on estate planning, are hesitant to...

Life Insurance: How Much and What Kind?

Life insurance can be an affordable way to provide for our children, spouse, a sibling, aging parents and others if we should die while they are depending on us. Life insurance proceeds can provide extra income to help pay ongoing household bills and child care; pay...

Estate Planning Basics for Newlyweds

It’s that time of year – the time for beautiful weddings, fun receptions, delicious cakes, special gifts, and romantic honeymoons.  While this is a joyous time for everyone, it’s also time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future – for richer or for poorer,...